Jacob Colvin
As cofounder of the newly minted public company Owlet Baby Care, Jake brings a wealth of experience in entrepreneurship and medtech expertise, focused on bringing life-saving technologies to infants and children around the world. As the quintessential founder, he developed, launched, and led many of the departments that impacted Owlet’s success today, ranging from early operations, extensive product validation, and developing user experience through thousands of hours where it matters most - in the field with customers. As the company’s go-to networker, he forged relationships with manufacturing partners, sourcing and materials suppliers, and further came to understand and capture value from customers through developing and leading the customer and technical advocacy groups, risk analysis and special operations. Ultimately he spearheaded and implemented global strategy, launching the brand on three continents, building teams to ensure continued success. Jake firmly believes in the importance of continued education, studying at four different universities in three nations, studying as a bio-pharmaceutical researcher and guiding students as an adjunct faculty member at BYU. He is the father of 3 children, an avid aviator, sailor, and global traveler - passionate about enabling others and improving the world through technology innovation.